Fernanda Bruno completed her Ph.D. in Communication from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro in 2001. She is a postdoctoral fellow at the Institut d"études politiques de Paris (Sciences Po), where she served as a visiting researcher from 2010 to 2011. She is currently Associate Professor at the Institute of Psychology Of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and of the Post-Graduation Program in Communication and Culture of UFRJ. She is the author of the books like Máquinas de ver, modos de ser: vigilância, tecnologia, subjetividade. (Sulina, 2013) e Do Sexual ao Virtual (Unimarco, 1997) e é organizadora de Vigilância e Visibilidade: espaço, tecnologia e identificação (Sulina, 2010), Imagem, visibilidade e cultura midiática (Sulina, 2007) e Limiares da Imagem: tecnologia e estética na cultura contemporânea (Mauad, 2006). Her areas of interest and research are: technology, subjectivity, body, communication technologies, cyberculture, cognition, vigilance and visibility. She coordinates CiberIdea - Research Group in Communication Technologies, culture, and subjectivities at ECO/UFRJ. She is a level 2 researcher at CNPq.
BRUNO, Fernanda. Rastrear, classificar, performar. Ciência e Cultura, v. 68, p. 34-39, 2016.
KANASHIRO, Marta; BRUNO, Fernanda; EVANGELISTA, Rafael; FIRMINO, Rodrigo. Maquinaria da Privacidade. Rua (UNICAMP), v. 2, p. online, 2013.
BRUNO, F.; LEBLANC, Paola; SZAFIR, Milena. Surveillance Aesthetics in Latin America: Work in progress. Surveillance & Society (Online), v. 10, p. 83-89, 2012.
FIRMINO, Rodrigo; BRUNO, Fernando; BOTELLO, N. A. Understanding the Sociotechnical Networks of Surveillance Practices in Latin America - Editorial Special Issue Surveillance in Latin America. Surveillance & Society (Online), v. 10, p. 1-4, 2012.
BRUNO, Fernanda. Contra-manual para câmeras inteligentes: vigilância, tecnologia e cognição. Galáxia (São Paulo. Online), v. 12, p. 47-63, 2012.
BRUNO, Fernanda. Rastros digitais sob a perspectiva da teoria ator-rede. Revista FAMECOS (Online), v. 19, p. 681, 2012.
BRUNO, Fernanda. Distributed Surveillance: Video, Monitoring and Mobility in Brazil. Wi Journal of mobile media, v. Summer, p. 1-10, 2009.
BRUNO, Fernanda. Mapas de crime: vigilância distribuída e participação na cibercultura. E-Compós (Brasília), v. 12, p. 1-16, 2009.
BRUNO, Fernanda. Tecnologias de informação e subjetividade contemporânea. ComCiência, v. 96, p. 1-6, 2008.
Digital traces, surveillance and controversies in communication technologies and networks
Description The actions and communications that we make on the Internet from our computers, smartphones or tablets leave traces that can be recovered, monitored and used for the most varied purposes. A large part of the platforms and services used on the Internet today include, in their own operating standards, procedures for monitoring and / or monitoring user data. This massive presence of monitoring and surveillance devices in networks and communication technologies gains new dimensions, whose implications are still being evaluated. The central objective of this project is to investigate processes of monitoring and surveillance of digital traces and personal data on the Internet, as well as their relations with the production of knowledge and control over individuals and populations. It is also intended to explore the methodology of cartography of controversies to map the conflicts on these themes in the Brazilian context, identifying and analyzing its main actors, practices and networks of confrontations and alliances. At the institutional level, this proposal is linked to the Post-Graduation Program in Communication and Culture of UFRJ, especially to the research centers CiberIDEA / UFRJ and MediaLab.UFRJ, coordinated by the proponent. It includes, among its activities, the training of undergraduate and graduate students and researchers, as well as extension activities that promote the debate on personal data, privacy and the Internet in other sectors of civil society beyond the university, with a focus on Public schools of the State of Rio de Janeiro. The project also involves interinstitutional partnerships, as it is part of the Latin American Network of Studies on Surveillance, Technology and Society / LAVITS, of which the proposer is a founding member. |