Eco.Pós - Programa de Pós-Graduação da Escola de Comunicação da UFRJ - O Curso - Histórico
Mohammed Elhajji
Mohammed Elhajji holds a doctorate in Communication and Culture from UFRJ and completed a Post-Doctorate at UNISINOS (Media and Migrations). He is Associate Professor at the UFRJ School of Communication (ECO-UFRJ). He teaches in the Postgraduate Programs in Communication (POS-ECO) and Community Psychosociology and Social Ecology (EICOS). His research, studies, intellectual production, and academic advising (in the national and international sphere) are focused on the transnational, diasporic, and intercultural question of migration: identity, culture, ethnicity, and alterity. He is a member of the MITRA Consortium – Master Erasmus Mundi (Brazil, France, Belgium, Ireland, Poland, Romania, Mexico, and Senegal), and coordinator of the Migrations Forum and of the Research Symposium on Migrations ( He is the leader of the Diaspotics Research Group (, coordinator of the “Communication and Citizenship” Working Group at COMPÓS and researcher at CNPq.  
ELHAJJI. Mohammed. Migrantes, uma minoria transacional em busca de cidadania universal. INTERIN, v. 22, n. 1, jan./jun. 2017. ISSN: 1980-5276

ELHAJJI, Mohammed; MALERBA, João Paulo. 
Dos usos comunitários da webradiofonina no contexto migratório transnacional. REMHU: Revista Interdisciplinar da Mobilidade Humana, v. 24, p. 109-127, 2016.

ELHAJJI, Mohammed. Usos e desusos da cultura na contemporaneidade. Comunicação pública, v. 01, p. 46-61, 2016.

ELHAJJI, Mohammed; ESCUDERO, Camila. WEBDIÁSPORA: Migrações, TICs e memória coletiva. Revista Observatório, v. 02, p. 334-363, 2016.

ELHAJJI, Mohammed. Comunidades diaspóricas e cidadania global: o papel do intercultural. ESFERAS - Revista Interprogramas de Pós-graduação em Comunicação do Centro Oeste, v. 01, p. 145-151, 2014.

ELHAJJI, Mohammed. Les radios communautaires à l"ère des nouvelles téchnologies: de l"impératif de se réinventer pour perdurer. Les EnjeuX de l´information et de la Communication, v. 01, p. 73-84, 2013.

ELHAJJI, Mohammed. La diaspora maghrébine à Montréal face aux aléas de l"interculturel: le rôle des médias locaux, transnationaux et communautaires. Revista Româna de Comunicare si Relatii Publice, v. 14, p. 85-100, 2012.

ELHAJJI, Mohammed; ANDRADE, Danubia; RANGEL, Larissa. Contribuições dos Estudos Críticos do Discurso para o campo da comunicação. Lumina (UFJF. Online), v. 06, p. 00-00, 2012.

ELHAJJI, Mohammed. Culturas em Trânsito: patrimônio imaterial, memória e espaço. Museologia e Patrimônio, v. 03, p. 01-06, 2010.

ELHAJJI, Mohammed. Rio de Janeiro-Montreal: conexões transnacionais/ruídos interculturais. Revista Fronteiras (Online)), v. 12, p. 177-184, 2010.
Webdiá migrations, ICTs and transnational identities in Brazil

The migration issue can no longer be grasped only in terms of absence and ruptures. Old diasporas and new immigrants now have sophisticated information and communication technologies (ICTs) that not only allow the maintenance and consolidation of identity and affective bonds with society and culture of origin, but also enable and encourage the construction of new cadres (ethnic, cultural, national, linguistic and/or confessional), both at the local and transnational levels. This project seeks to analyze precisely the new migratory dynamics of the contemporary world. It is worth mentioning that this research is being developed at LECC-PPGCOM/UFRJ and is linked to the research line of Media and Sociocultural Mediations.


Eco.Pós - Programa de Pós-Graduação da Escola de Comunicação da UFRJ - O Curso - Histórico
v.20, n.2 (2017)
Imagens do Presente
Monday to Friday, from 11:00 to 15:00.
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Secretaria de Ensino de Pós-Graduação da Escola de Comunicação da UFRJ
Av. Pasteur nº 250 - fds, Urca, Rio de Janeiro.
CEP: 22290-240
TEL.: +55 (21) 3938-5075
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